Description | Contents of ring-binder notebook belonging to the Post Warden of D29
1. Copies of 4 letters
2. List of wardens - no dates except dates of birth.
3. List of Posts in the area
4. Names and addresses of Fire Guards
5. Telephone numbers of ARP Control, AFS Control, police station and District ARP Warden
6. Medical Officers' addresses and telephone numbers - those who were prepared to be called out in cases of sudden illness etc. at shelters
7. Clothing sent to ARP D26
8. List of wardens from D29 and checklist of clothing issued and a continuation page
9. Shelter statistics Nov 5th 1940 and Dec 1940
10. Two hand-drawn maps of Sector D29
11. Forms to be completed to describe air raid damage. Six show details of damage etc. viz:
i. 16/11/40 Peartree and Willow Rds 19.40h
ii. 17/11/40 Junction of Peartree and Willow Rds 11.59h
iii. 10/5/41 Fir Tree Walk 23.30h
iv. 11/5/41 Fir Tree Walk 01.02h
v.19/4/41 Churchbury Lane at junction with Orchard Way 22.47h
vi. 19/4/41 As above 23.02h
12. Forms to be completed to report an unexploded bomb
13. Handwritten details of properties damaged in 5 locations on 19/4/41
14. Single sheet Christmas card from 'Bill'.
15. Unidentified black and white photograph